Our belief is that building an immediate professional rapport between board members and property managers should be the first priority for any successful Association.
All Integrity First Property Management employees are committed to open lines of communication. Our qualified employees possess the necessary tools to assist your Board, Homeowners, and vendors at any given moment. Upon partnering with Integrity First Property Management, your Community Manager will immediately become available for all your Association needs. Integrity First promises to answer all concerns in a quick, efficient and business like manner within a minimum of 48 hours or less.

Many of today's successful business models rely upon constant utilization of cutting-edge technology. Integrity First Property Management maintains these advances providing our clients with distinct advantages. One of these advantages includes our state-of-the-art software platform which allows our clients to receive real-time information at their convenience. Further, our customized software gives each IFPM employee the ability to handle all day-to-day activities quickly and to provide instantaneous electronic updates to every board member and homeowner. Most importantly, our advanced system allows IFPM the ability to focus on more than just "data-entry."
All IFPM employees are fully trained on this complete software. Therefore, any employee with Integrity First will be able to quickly analyze all time-sensitive questions and provide immediate feedback thus eliminating slow responses or worse - no response at all. In short, IFPM's innovative services far exceed industry standards while promoting cost-effectiveness.
A proliferation of new and unique property development within Arizona over the last thirty years has influenced IFPM to create a diverse portfolio of customized management agreements. Association size, common area structure, property age, location, financial structure, board and homeowner involvement, architectural enforcement/change review, as well as many other components, play a significant role in a management company's ability to adopt progressive rules of engagement.
At IFPM, we are able to customize our management agreements to meet the individual needs of our Associations. We recognize that "one size does not fit all." By offering our Associations this service, we are able to account for the specific needs of every community in a clear and effective format.
Integrity First can provide your Association with a professional community newsletter. Naturally, each association chooses its content, and IFPM flawlessly handles the rest. Each newsletter is unique to the Association for whom it is developed, possess strong content, and can be delivered by U.S. postal mail, email, or delivered straight to the Homeowners' door.
Website Interface
IFPM's website interface is available to all associations and homeowners with a multitude of benefits which include:
- Real-time access to data. This allows homeowners the capability of updating their personal information securely via online access.
- Payment options. Homeowners have the option of signing up for automatic payment of their assessments, or they may pay fees or assessments online as they become due. Homeowners can view and print their personal account history confidentially while receiving accurate real-time information.
- Compliance issues. Homeowners have the ability to view any compliance issues relating to their homes via online access (including photos of any compliance violations when this service is requested). This will include detailed information about any violations, pertinent private communication, etc.
- Property events calendar. The events calendar provides the ability to communicate more effectively with residents by keeping them up-to-date with upcoming events, dates, and important occurrences.

Social Media
Along with email communications, Integrity First can also set up and manage Facebook and Twitter accounts for your Association to help get the word out on association meetings, notices, changes in policy and other general information. Communication, communication, communication!
Board Education
IFPM will help to educate new and seasoned Board/Committee Members alike on the purpose and mission of the association. Continuity of the belief that the Association is formed to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and its members helps to maintain a clear objective when working with community members and association issues.
IFPM provides training materials to new and current Board Members upon request. Our training and accompanying materials emphasize the importance of attending Board meetings, presenting effective ideas to the management company, volunteering for committees, and presenting solutions as opposed to criticism regarding rules and regulations or future Board implementations.
In addition, IFPM encourages Board attendance at various monthly educational luncheons and seminars offered through CAI, AACM, SCOHA (where available) and other available venues of which we are members. IFPM will provide information on how each community can join these various entities.